Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Every lady knows the right accessories can make or break an outfit!  Finding the outfit is often the easy part. Finding the accessories can be tricky, and the accessories make the look. Yet so many of us forget to put as much thought into accessorizing our clothing as we do into the clothing itself. That may be due to fashion laziness.  And there's nothing quite like ruining it with the absolute wrong shoes, too much jewelry, or a scarf that makes you look like a cow.  This year, gold is IN!!

Check out this perfectly accessorized outfit.  The belt and the shoes are a subtle shade of tan and the earrings are large yet delicate to complete the outfit.  The key here is not overdoing it, this is one of my fav's, I must admit.

I love the stackable bracelet idea, I myself do this all the time.

Here are some other great accessories...who wouldn't love that Hermes Bracelet?

Perfect lace skirt...need I say more?

Source: tumblr.com via Lisa on Pinterest

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  1. I love the colors on the model in the first pic. I need more bracelets to stack!!

    1. Me too ... Love the stacking look...Jennifer Lopez does a great job at stacking her bracelets :)

    2. u do the stacking quite nicely yourself Marieli

  2. I absolutely agree! Accessories are the key to a FABULOUS outfit!
